Mauban, Quezon: MVT Sto. Niño In Cagbalete Island
The rainy season is on its heydays and definitely far from over but no idiots like us love the beach, sand, and salt water (no sun) on stormy days. We simply can’t wait for the sun to be up and smiling back on us. No more introductions needed. We’ve been here before and back. This is our third time on the island, the second under bad weather conditions, and my first time on the eastern side. This is Cagbalete Island. Read more…
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San Luis, Aurora Province: Log Carried From The Forest
On our ascent to Ditumabo Falls, we came across with this guy, probably in his early 20′s, carrying a huge log passing through uneven and rough terrain.
Full story in Weekend Getaway in Baler, Aurora 2011
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Early Filipinos cure wounds, ailments, and different forms of illnesses with plants and animal parts formulated by shamans, priestess,and folk healers commonly known as albularyos. The medicinal practice is still applied until the present times especially to those who are financially incapable. Instead of purchasing jaw dropping expensive scientific medicines, some people especially inhabiting remote areas of the country, prefer the albularyos, than regular doctors. Read more…
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